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Memorable Highlight - Leadership Retreat May 2016!

A memorable highlight from our most recent trip to Korah was taking our HFK-KGHC Leadership Team away from the hustle and bustle of Addis for an overnight Leadership Retreat.  We spent two days in deep discussion and prayer.  Our time together included program visioning, leadership development sessions and social work assessment skills training.  We also spent time focusing on our HFK model for independence/interdependence and transition planning of our savings & credit self help groups (SHGs), as well as prayerfully considering our story in light of God's story; how they intertwine and impact the work that we do.

In between all of this, we made sure to have lots of time for  building relationships and having fun through games, good food, conversation and buna (coffee)!  It was a very special and productive weekend that is sure to have a direct impact and will make a difference in the lives of the children and families we serve. 

Here are some photos of our weekend and a few of the "Wise Words to Remember" that were part of our reflection and time together:

Wise Words to Remember:
Working alongside the poor for personal and 
community change and transformation takes COURAGE

It is a long obedience to God and 
his image bearers in the same direction... 
most persons need ongoing support step by step.

The Challenge: To be the first team to come up with a way
 to balance 10 nails on the head of one nail!

The Solution: 
Working together as one - each dependent on the other!


Wise Words to Remember:
It is not our place to judge 
although it may be our place to educate
 and to explain consequences of behavior
 and choices in a very clear way.

It is however our call to do justice, 
love mercy and walk humbly with these persons
 - one soul, one person, one family, one community at a time.

"What does the Lord require of you?
To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God."
Micah 6:8


Even a power outage couldn't stop us - competing by flashlight! 

Wise Words to Remember:
The road of recovery and change is often a few 
steps forward and a few steps back or sideways.

It takes a long time to practice and learn one new skill.


Wise Words to Remember:
Work hard to celebrate small successes.
Encourage and praise whenever you can.

Always build on what people can do
 - Their strength - 
rather than focus on what they cannot do.


Wise Words to Remember:
Work to empower people and assist others to change and grow...
Provide as many opportunities as possible to have people
"Do it themselves"...
Even the smallest of tasks delegated,
 builds confidence and leads to change...

Delegate and engage whenever and where ever possible
- even if it isn't done half as well as you could do it...

The empowering process is more important than the task itself.
