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This Mama & Her Twin Babies are Desperate - They Live at the Trash Dump!! Can You Help Us Find Them a Sponsor?

Last month when I was in Korah, in an obscure moment I briefly met Fantanesh and her twin 18 month old daughters.  It was one of those moments in Korah that sticks with me, one that covers me with a heaviness and leaves me with feelings of inadequacy and of being overwhelmed.    Having just left another desperate situation of someone living in a home made of garbage with young children, it was hard to be greeted by so many others with equally compelling stories.  In the small crowd that gathered around I couldn't help feeling overcome when meeting Fantanesh barefoot, standing in the

mud strapped with a baby on her back and her twin on the front.  I have seen God do so many things in Korah, so many lives begin to change, but sometimes the heaviness of it all overcomes me and my heart cries at the baseness of humanity and the suffering that goes so unnoticed and seems so unending.  In an incomprehensible way it draws me closer to God, holding on tighter,  feeling His presence, knowing  that His pain for these whom He loves is so much deeper than mine and only He can make such a wrong, right…. He truly is our only Hope.

This young widow and two little ones survive by begging and scavenging through trash at the dump. I can't even wrap my mind around what that really means and how fearful and discarded that must make a young mother feel - or any person feel.  At the dump this  mama and her babies are often exposed to dangerous toxins in the air while searching for food to eat or small items to sell.  The harshness of this reality is easily seen in these babies' faces.  Their home is made of plastic and cardboard, not one piece of furniture, completely surrounded by trash and no sanitation.  How does she do it? What hope or value does she have in the trash?  All of these thoughts flood through my mind in that brief encounter.  Stepping out of their world into the comfort of the waiting van seemed so unfair, it was all so wrong….

Fantanesh and her children desperately need a hope and a future!! They need a sponsor! 

I don't usually share the need for a sponsor in such a personal way, but I was so overcome by the unjustness of it all.   I think it is a story that needs to be told - so many in Korah and the world over live in such oppressive circumstances.  I have always been drawn to Mother Theresa's words  "We may not be able to change the world, but we can change one person's world."   I believe that to be true and have witnessed the reality and power of those words.  Together what a difference we can make in this world, wherever that may be - if we seize the opportunity to come alongside just one needy person - it changes their world.

I know that when someone steps forward to stand with Fantanesh and her children - their lives will change!  It will be amazing  - They will be moved out of the trash dump area to a Korah home near by. They will receive food, medical care, help with rent and become part of loving community and support system where Fantenesh and her children will begin to heal,  come to know how important and valuable they are to God and others.  Fantanesh will learn skills to help her break out of the cycle of poverty, to become self-reliant and her children will have a chance of better health, proper stimulation and a future education.  

If you, your family, care group or someone you know are interested in changing the life of this family or would like more information on the HFK Family Sponsorship program please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator Jacqueline Strating at 

Together, we can get this family healthy and
 with God's help provide them a hope and future!

 Recently we met up with Fantenesh
and brought her to the HFK Compound to be assessed

Fantanesh's Home at the Dump:
The pathway leading up to her home

 Inside Fantanesh's Home

For more information on Family Sponsorship 
and how you can make a difference
in the life of this family please contact 
Jacqueline at

JUNE 23rd UPDATE - THANK YOU to everyone who emailed, posted and helped to share this story. With your help, we found a sponsor! Fantanesh will be moving away from the dump in the next few days and our current  HFK Medical team on the ground in Korah will be checking over this family tomorrow!  We are so thankful!  Also a sweet note about the sponsors - they are twin sisters themselves!! --  Twins sponsoring twins!  -- God is good!!
