PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED!! Perhaps you remember earlier posts and prayer requests for little Abraham. Again, he is in need of urgent prayer!! Abraham just been diagnosed with TB and is very lethargic, coughing and sleeping a lot. TB is no t a good situation for anyone but it is even more serious in Abraham's case because of his existing medical condition. He has Down Syndrome with multiple health issues including heart complications – please see link below for earlier post. Please pray! WE NEED A MIRACLE for this little boy! Please pray for complete healing and for strength and hope for Yangoosey, his mother who loves her son deeply. It has been such a difficult struggle for her to watch him be sick so often… THANK YOU for PRAYING!!!! To read earlier Post: Precious Little Abraham - Prayer Warriors Needed!!
What began as an outcast leper community eighty years ago has now grown into Korah, an urban slum with an estimated 130 000 people situated near the city garbage dump in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The community is consumed with poverty, where families are broken apart through desperation, illness, and death. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "Loosening the yoke of extreme poverty in Korah, Ethiopia and bringing hope to those who live there." Isaiah 58:6-7 KEEPING FAMILIES HEALTHY & TOGETHER!