Our BLOG has a NEW HOME on our website! Please go to https://www.hopeforkorah.org/blog for all recent stories, news and updates! We invite you to step into Korah with us and learn about the community, the people, HFK's programs, available sponsorships, blog and more! Many new features sharing how 'we are working together for hope'! Check out our new website and let us know what you think! www.hopeforkorah.org
What began as an outcast leper community eighty years ago has now grown into Korah, an urban slum with an estimated 130 000 people situated near the city garbage dump in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The community is consumed with poverty, where families are broken apart through desperation, illness, and death. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "Loosening the yoke of extreme poverty in Korah, Ethiopia and bringing hope to those who live there." Isaiah 58:6-7 KEEPING FAMILIES HEALTHY & TOGETHER!