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Health Protection for Korah's Garbage Collectors

Can you help us protect the garbage collectors in Korah? HFK is partnering with the local government to provide health safety equipment (120 masks, 120 pairs of shoes & 120 gloves) for 60 local garbage collectors. Mostly, this job is manual and done by women, as can be seen from these pictures which were taken this morning. This a city job (not at the trash dump) and a permanent source of income with benefits. Numbers of our own HFK women wake up early every morning to begin cleaning the streets of Korah. Given our mission to support safe, gainful employment as a means of alleviating poverty, we could not refuse this one-time request from the local Dry Waste Management office. Collecting garbage in a slum bordering a capital city trash dump carries its own inherent risks, including exposure to toxins and rodents to name a few. Would you consider partnering with us in reducing the vulnerability of these workers? Our goal is $1000 and your gifts will support the admirable efforts of these 60 women with limited education who are providing for their families, despite their challenging circumstances. THANK YOU!!

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'Working Together for Hope'
To Help Protect Korah's Garbage Collectors
