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We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to what lies ahead in 2015. In Korah, we are nearing the end of another remarkable year where we have seen a stronghold of extreme poverty in one area of an urban slum begin to break and in turn, give way to hope for tomorrow. As relationships and community are being built and basic needs are being met, isolation and fear are losing grip and transformation in the lives of many poor and needy children, widows, orphans and elderly lepers is taking place. When HFK began 3 ½ years ago we never imagined how God would answer our prayers through

the generous support and commitment of so many people who have partnered with us to make a difference in Korah. The photos below show just a few of the ways our working together has impacted this community over the last year. We are thankful to each of you who helped to make this happen.

At the end of each year we begin our Stand with Korah campaign to raise funds for the coming year. We anticipate new growth and exciting changes in 2015 as we continue our steadfast journey in the same direction – ‘Keeping Families Healthy and Keeping Families Together’ with the goal of breaking the yoke of poverty for those living in Korah. Our upcoming plans not only include adding vulnerable families to our sponsorship program, but also increasing the number of children in our Berta Breakfast program to 250, as well as developing our youth programs including soccer, activity clubs, discipleship and our education programs such as School Field Trips, HFK Daycare & Kindergarten. In addition we plan on further developing our First Aid Office and medical services to our families, Elderly Lepers’ Home and offering literacy and numeracy adult education to all of our families, the majority of whom are illiterate. One of our most highly anticipated goals for 2015, which a special team has been working on this year, is to begin our Savings and Credit Self-Help Groups which will empower families to initiate their own income generating activities. We believe with God’s help this will be the key to sustainable and lasting change!

Our projected budget for 2015 is $350,000. Much of this is already pledged through sponsorships and donations on hand. In order to meet the difference of what is still needed; our goal is to raise $150,000.

So, we would like to invite you to join us and


We believe God’s heart is for this community and His plan of hope and transformation is unfolding. We invite you to stand with us as we work together for the people living in Korah. Any gift, great or small, is important and will help loosen the yoke of poverty there. We will post an update mid-year to let you know how we are progressing.

We wish you and your loved ones a Joyous New Year!

Blessings and Great Hope,

Eve Pohl RSW 
Director Operations HFK 
and the HFK Advisory Council

Together we can make a difference... 

A look at how
Transformed lives this year.


Working Together for Hope
Nourished Children's Hearts, Bodies and Minds

Together we can make a difference...


