We are very excited about this NEW program- and are hoping you may join us to serve and "Love the Least of These" The Reality of Those Living With Leprosy: For anyone who has ever visited Korah and sat with the Great Hope Charity (GHC) leaders over the lunch hour as they hand feed the elderly lepers, they cannot help but be touched by the leaders' expression of love and humility. Unable to feed themselves due to their debilitating disease, these lepers walk with their crutches and prosthetics, poor vision and twisted limbs quite a distance over rock and rubble for their only meal of the day. They have been persecuted and are now alone, without family or the ability to support themselves. The moment becomes even more poignant when visitors themselves begin to interact with these gentlemen, whom the leaders affectionately refer to as the "Elders". Whether through conversation, a smile, a helping hand or a hug, spending time with thes...
What began as an outcast leper community eighty years ago has now grown into Korah, an urban slum with an estimated 130 000 people situated near the city garbage dump in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The community is consumed with poverty, where families are broken apart through desperation, illness, and death. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "Loosening the yoke of extreme poverty in Korah, Ethiopia and bringing hope to those who live there." Isaiah 58:6-7 KEEPING FAMILIES HEALTHY & TOGETHER!