This Sunday is ‘World Leprosy Day’. Every year this day is acknowledged globally to increase awareness and help those who by societies’ standards could very easily be considered the “Least of These.” Although this disease has seen a great decline due to medical breakthroughs with Multiple Drug Therapies in the 1980s, there are still pockets around the world where people continue to suffer the physical and great emotional abuse of this disease. Korah, Ethiopia is one of those places. Personally, some of the most disturbing experiences I have had in Korah were during my visits inside the hovels of the elderly lepers. These men are completely alone, without support and often living in the most horrendous circumstances. Their debilitating disease leaves many of them crippled and unable to feed or care for themselves. I have been in the homes where they sleep on dirt floors or dilapidated beds and in horrendous conditi...
What began as an outcast leper community eighty years ago has now grown into Korah, an urban slum with an estimated 130 000 people situated near the city garbage dump in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The community is consumed with poverty, where families are broken apart through desperation, illness, and death. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "Loosening the yoke of extreme poverty in Korah, Ethiopia and bringing hope to those who live there." Isaiah 58:6-7 KEEPING FAMILIES HEALTHY & TOGETHER!